Chips' Fun House - Server Stats

Statistics compiled using Pigstats

Here you will find weekly & monthly player stats for 2004!!!

Weekly & Monthly Stats for 2007

Weekly & Monthly Stats for 2006

Weekly & Monthly Stats for 2005

Weekly & Monthly Stats for 2004

Week Ending 12/04/2004

Week Ending 12/04/2004 (Bots)

Week Ending 12/11/2004

Week Ending 12/11/2004 (Bots)

Week Ending 12/18/2004

Week Ending 12/18/2004 (Bots)

Week Ending 12/25/2004

Week Ending 12/25/2004 (Bots)

Monthly stats will close on the last day of the month at 12:00PM Eastern Time

Month Ending 12/31/2004

Month Ending 12/31/2004 (Bots)

Chips' Fun House - TFC Servers 2008